Knowledge Is Power

I may not be a lawyer (yet!) but I do know how to read, and I do know how to research. Knowledge is the best weapon in my arsenal.
Even if you retain counsel, I want you to go and find the "Uniform Rules For The Family Court" for your state. I want you to memorize it. I want you to dissect it. I want you to comb through it, and try to think of a counter-argument or flaw for each and every single part. I want you to know it backwards and forwards.
The reason I want you to do this, is because I want you to know your rights. If you are here, there is a good chance that it's because you are dealing with a contentious situation. That means you cannot let your guard down. I also want you to anticipate every single tactic the opposition may use so that you are not blindsided when it hits you.
Now is not the time to relax. Now is not the time to check out and let somebody else handle it. Retaining counsel does not fully protect you, because you can't fully trust anybody. I'm not being a paranoid kook here. Case in point: Documented Judicial Corruption , Kids For Cash, Judge Accepts Bribes In Texas, Judge Gerald Garson. These are NOT isolated incidences. These are only the ones that have been caught. You just can't blindly put trust in others to save you. You must do your own due diligence.
I realized a long time ago that no one was going to save me. When I got married, I was hoping that my husband would be my knight in shining armour. When I got divorced, I was bleeding money to a lawyer I expected to be my champion. Time and time gain throughout my life, I have been disillusioned by the people I trusted to help and protect me. Being stubbornly naive, this continued until I received the biggest blow of all, the loss of my custodial rights. Finally, after almost four decades on this earth, I came to a stark realization. No one was going to save me, but me.
As the cold hard truth took hold of me, I wiped away my final tear. I finally realized that no one was going to help me. There was no knight. There was no Messiah. There was only me. I needed to help myself, I needed to protect myself, and so do you. If you are reading this, you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself the same thing I told myself. I am the only one who can help me. Others can help me help myself, but ultimately it is up to me. So ladies, get your highlighter, pen, paper, a nice cup of warm tea, and start reading. Knowledge is power. Arm yourself with knowledge, and you will be impervious to attack.


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