Psychological Disorders That You Will Develop After A Custody Battle
You used to be a totally normal woman, but then you were hit with the most difficult and painful thing that ever happened to you. You didn't know how to deal. You broke down. You were accused of being crazy. It made you crazy. You're now feeling kind of broken. Congratulations, you are now part of the Custody Battle PTSD Club. Here are some of the psychological disorders that you may now possess, that you didn't possess before: Anxiety : You can't stop worrying about everything. What's coming next? Am I going to lose everything? Will my kids hate me? How am I going to pay for this? Why is nobody listening to me?! Panic Attacks: This one is dark. You're overwhelmed with emotions and you can't. Stop. Crying. Your throat feels like it's closing up. Your stomach hurts. The tears roll down your cheeks uncontrollably. You start to hyperventilate. You can't make it stop!!!! Paranoia : Is that car following me? Is she really my friend or is ...